Memorial Day Observance Program 2022 – City of Lincoln, NE

2022-05-27 21:49:39 By : Ms. Angela Liu

Next date: Monday, May 30, 2022 | 08:00 PM

The Lincoln Memorial Day Observance Association invites you to honor and remember those who have sacrificed to serve our country. 

Music, flags, Color Guards and acknowledgement of Veterans are common to all the programs.

Please bring your lawn chair.   

Inclement Weather, Move to Auld Pavilion

Download the Memorial Day 2022 Program(PDF, 290KB) .

Music & Sound: Chris Myers, Lincoln Parks & Recreation

Ringing of the Liberty Bell:  Shawn Quinn, Lincoln Parks & Recreation

Posting The Colors:  VFW 131, 3606, 7722

Welcome & Introductions: Sändra Washington, Lincoln City Council Director

National Anthem:   Catherine Bobst, Emily Chapman, Bryson Cole

Pledge of Allegiance:   Marcy Haas, Veterans Memorial Garden Advisory Council, Events Committee Chair Events Committee Co-Chair

Invocation:  Daniel K. Schroeder, PhD, Lincoln-Lancaster Chaplaincy Corps

History of Memorial Day:  Diane Bartels, Veterans Memorial Garden, Events Committee, LMDOA

Acknowledgement of Veterans:  Brendan Moore, LMDOA Co-Chair Veterans Memorial Garden Advisory Council, Facilities Committee Chair

Explanation of Acquiring Names:  Ron Ruff, LMDOA

CandleLight Service:  Erica Kutter, Treasurer, Blue Star Mothers Nebraska Chapter 2

Reading of Names 2021:   Diane Bartels, Brendan Moore, Lisa Compton, Joyce Peck, Ron Ruff, Merle Thompson, Shannon White, Honorary Ed Hoffman & Merle Rudebusch

Song: “God Bless America”, Catherine Bobst, Emily Chapman, Bryson Cole

Reading of Names 2021:  Diane Bartels, Brendan Moore, Lisa Compton, Joyce Peck,  Ron Ruff, Merle Thompson, Shannon White,  Honorary Ed Hoffman & Merle Rudebusch

Taps: Parker Averill & Kevin Murray

Retiring The Colors:  VFW 131, 3606, 7722

Benediction: Daniel K. Schroeder, PhD, Lincoln-Lancaster Chaplaincy Corps

Closing:  Lynn Johnson, Lincoln Parks & Recreation Director VMGAC Chair  

Inclement Weather, Move to Auld Pavilion

8:30 am:  Wyuka Cemetery Funeral Home: Wreath Casting Honoring Those Lost at Sea

9:00 am:  Wyuka Cemetery Funeral Home Program: Wyuka Cemetery & Funeral Home Program

11:30am:  Lincoln Memorial Park Funeral Home Program

Guest Speaker: Retired USAF Col Kenneth J. Brownell

Veterans Memorial Garden in Antelope Park, 3200 Veterans Memorial Drive, Lincoln 68502  View Map

3200 Veterans Memorial Drive , Lincoln 68502

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