Mostly sunny. High 102F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph..
Mostly clear. Low 79F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph.
Clockwise: Mosaique Surfaces “Rêve d’Orient” collection in Wabi Sabi Petite with polished arctic white and pacifica blue stones matched with gold glass; Calacatta Bluette polished marble; Lunada Bay Tile “Shinju Mirai” series in Moonstone
Clockwise: Syzygy 2-inch fish scale pattern in various colors; 2-inch by 6-inch in Sedona; “Cadence” in Turquoise
Clockwise: AlysEdwards “Crio” series in Moorish Red; Haussman Natural Stone in Bel Air Linen limestone; AlysEdwards “Tongue in Chic” series in Because I Gold You So
Clockwise: AlysEdwards “Crio” series in Moorish Red; Haussman Natural Stone in Bel Air Linen limestone; AlysEdwards “Tongue in Chic” series in Because I Gold You So
Paschal Smith says she has seen customers turning to warmer tones and hues. This selection embraces that trend, along with adding a metallic splash and limestone earthiness.
Clockwise: Syzygy 2-inch fish scale pattern in various colors; 2-inch by 6-inch in Sedona; “Cadence” in Turquoise
Made by artists in Silver City, New Mexico, Syzygy embraces unique patterns and more than 118 color choices in its collection.
Clockwise: Mosaique Surfaces “Rêve d’Orient” collection in Wabi Sabi Petite with polished arctic white and pacifica blue stones matched with gold glass; Calacatta Bluette polished marble; Lunada Bay Tile “Shinju Mirai” series in Moonstone
Mosaique Surfaces is one of the most popular lines at Visions, according to Paschal Smith. The Canadian tile company is known for its made-to-order creations using customizable patterns designed with glass, natural stone and metals.
Special thanks to Visions tile and stone.
The lifelong Tulsan can usually be found in a nearby park or checking out the latest burger joint with her husband and dogs.
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