By Insider Staff - Sep 21, 2022 | 0 comments
The city manager’s office sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The full newsletter can be found by going to and clicking the “Newsletter” button. Here are some highlights:
The City’s Neighborhood Street Paving Program continues with Continental Paving, Inc. as the City’s paving contractor for this year.
Finish paving of sidewalks started last week on South State Street from South Main Street up to Thorndike Street and will continue towards Pleasant Street. Concrete tip downs are being poured along South State Street and Pleasant Street this week and into next week. Loam is being placed behind the finish paved sidewalks on South State Street and will continue through next week.
Crews will be raising covers on Stone Street, Maitland Street, Matthew Street, Lilac Street, and Hullbakers Place and are preparing for finish paving in the next couple of weeks. Curbing will be installed on Stone Street and Maitland Street next, where residents have requested and paid for it.
This is a tentative schedule and is subject to change. Work is weather permitting. Streets may be reduced to one lane or closed to through traffic. Parking will be limited on these streets between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Residents will have road access to their homes. Find more information and a tentative schedule of streets approved for paving at
Recent rainfall and milder temperatures led to slight improvements last week for drought conditions in New Hampshire. Extreme drought conditions at the southern border of the state are no longer present. Severe drought increased slightly to 24.3% of the state, while moderate drought (which includes Concord) decreased to 23.7%, and abnormally dry conditions increased to almost 44%.
The City’s Water Treatment Facility is producing an average of 5.0 MGD (million gallons per day) with spikes in consumption up to 6.0 MGD on hotter days due to increased irrigation and outdoor water use driven by drought conditions. Water consumption is anticipated to continue decreasing with the coming change of the season.
Voluntary or mandatory outdoor water use restrictions are in place for some municipalities and community water systems. Currently, there are no water restrictions in place for Concord as water supply levels at Penacook Lake continue to remain decent.
Water conservation is still strongly encouraged. Please use water wisely. Although Concord’s water supply is healthy, we advise consumers to conserve use as a proactive measure to manage our water resource. Be mindful of your water use, especially outdoors.
Drought conditions will continue to be monitored. Updates and water conservation tips can be found at
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