Fort Hancock artist John MacKenzie exhibit starts Friday at Casa Ortiz

2022-07-08 23:42:50 By : Ms. Tammy Niu

Fort Hancock artist John MacKenzie considers his exhibit at Casa Ortiz a “wonderful privilege,” especially since it might be the last at the revered Socorro, Texas, art gallery.

An exodus of artists from the historic adobe building already has begun as business plans call for sweeping change.

But on Friday, Borderland residents still can celebrate art at 10167 Socorro Road from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. as MacKenzie’s work takes center stage. There will be a food truck and live music. The exhibit will run through the month.

Of possibly being the last art show at Casa Ortiz, MacKenzie said: “I just couldn’t have even thought of it. I came here mainly because I love this building and I wanted to see how my paintings looked. That was my motivation for having the show here.”

Perhaps it’s fitting that MacKenzie, who has an affinity for adobe homes and is living in his second in Fort Hancock, might be the last art show at the gallery that survived the worst of the pandemic and helped revitalize the nearby section of Socorro.

His current home is “the second adobe house I’ve lived in because I lived in Columbus, New Mexico, for 11 years in an old adobe house that was there when General Pershing was there.”

“But my original motivation is just I love this house,” he said of Casa Ortiz, which is a historic marker says was home to a Comanchero in the 1840s. “It’s a love affair.”

His love of art also began in a desert.

“From when I was a boy, I loved art,” he said, but “I grew up in a country in the Middle East where, generally speaking, you don’t see much art because of their culture.”

He moved at 8 with his father to Saudi Arabia, where his father worked for an oil company.

“He was one of the pioneers down there,” he said of his father. “It was very primitive. There were no malls, there were no stores, practically. Sears Roebuck catalog is how we bought things in those days. It would take three months to come in a ship.”

While in Saudi Arabia, he learned an appreciation for cultures and would travel out to visit nomadic Bedouins rather than lie around a swimming pool. He said he has a deep respect for the Bedouins, noting the strength and ingenuity it takes for them to survive in the harsh desert environment.   

“I was there for eight years, until I was 16,” he said. “Then I went to Italy for school because there were no other schools around, no high schools.”

While in Rome, he studied art.

“I got more and more inspired, gradually. And I think art, to me, took me a long time finally to get there.”

He said, “I really started late in life, about 40, before I started studying it seriously, by taking workshops, taking a class or two, at maybe UTEP.”

He said he found inspiration teaching students art during a grant-funded program in Ysleta.

“They had a program; it was a grant program for artists to go out and work at different schools. I worked with the children. I loved it. And I feel that a lot of inspiration comes from there,” he said. “Their innocence of being like pure artists before somebody spoils them. And that helped me as an artist.”

MacKenzie said, “And I worked also with the Parks and Recreation for a couple of years. I worked down at different recreation centers.

“One of them was the one on Father Rahm street. It was basically a basketball court. And some of these kids would come in, kind of rough kids, maybe belonging to gangs, I didn’t care. They’d sit down with me and they’d say, ‘Teach me how to draw, teach me how to paint.’ So, right away I was able to have this communication. I didn’t have to be a professional teacher, which I wasn’t.

“I didn’t think I could teach at all,” he said. “But I found out I could reach them and they could reach me. It’s a mutual thing. And I ended up doing a lot of portraits, improving my own drawing by doing their portraits. And they would see me and they would draw my portrait sometime, or their own portrait, and the thing is I just got them excited about art.”

He also has honed his skills at community gatherings at El Paso parks.

“I would set up an easel and I would draw the children that passed by, and I would usually give them the picture, the portrait,” he said. “My idea was not to make money, but to just get my training up, become a better artist.”

MacKenzie will have paintings, drawings and small sculptures on exhibit and for sale at Casa Ortiz.

“I use acrylic,” he said, although “lately I’ve been using a lot of different mediums. But I love to draw, so graphite. Pastel is a wonderful medium, but I mainly use acrylic with some oil.”

He added, “I work quite a bit with the female figure. Sometimes large animals, sometimes small animals.”

In one painting, snakeskin wraps around a woman.

“I like to do images that are suggestive of Eve, the snake in the Garden of Eden,” he said. “So, I have many paintings of snakes and the female figure, and sometimes large animals.”

He said the female form is the most elegant.

But he also sees the beauty in horses, which also populate some of his paintings, as do large cats.

MacKenzie also lived in Tucson, Arizona, for two years, where he practiced drawing live models several times a week.

“In the mornings, I would get up and I would draw from photography before I did any painting, so I kept trying to increase my skill with the figure.”

There isn’t any grand reason for why he now lives in Fort Hancock.

“I worked for the government out there for 29 years,” he said. “I was a Customs inspector. And when I retired from there, that’s when I decided to go full time and train as an artist. And I had to work a little harder than most people because I started late, but I did. I got all my days and sometimes nights and I took some of the best classes from accomplished artists in Cloudcroft, New Mexico, and I would just do anything I felt was good for my training to bring myself up as an artist.”

Now, he’s been at it for between 35 and 40 years, he said.

“But I’m still training,” he added.

“You know, when Michelangelo was chopping away at his marble, he would mutter to himself, people would hear him muttering to himself, ‘I’m still learning, I’m still learning.’ That’s the beautiful thing about art.”

And he knows what he wants people to get from his work.

“I want them to feel good, to change themselves a little bit in a good way.”

Prices for his work will range from perhaps $95 for his drawings to paintings of around $2,600.

Smaller paintings will be priced from around $700 to $900, he said.  

He said he has several different sizes, but he “doesn’t go over $3,000 most of the time.”

“That’s just the way I am,” he said.

As for Casa Ortiz, its days as a site dedicated fully to art are over, with around a third of the space already emptied by printmaker Mario Perez and painter Pablo Hernandez as they temporarily moved across Socorro Road to Casa Apodaca, where artist Gabriel Marquez earlier had relocated to consolidate his exhibit space with the Moonlight Adobe Hall, 10180 Socorro Road, which he runs with his partner, Tamara Gastelum. Perez and Hernandez, who also are tattoo artists, plan to eventually find a more permanent setup elsewhere.

Diego “Robot” Martinez, the current driving force at Casa Ortiz and the only remaining artist from the original five who started the gallery, plans to stay at Casa Ortiz as long as possible.

“So, right now, the focus is to just see the new outcome with the new things coming,” Martinez said. “I’ll still be here with Gabe Marquez (across the street), Jacob (Trevizo) and Efrén (Solórzano).”

He added: “The fact of the full-blown gallery is out of the question, but there will be some new things coming as far as some food, a pavilion and a theater. So, it will be like an intimate drive-in theater and with the bar and the crosswalk that is going to come, it should still tie into everything.”

Martinez said, “So, the hope is still here in Socorro, but we wanted to kind of let some of the renovations take over, so right now we’re just taking a step away from shows after this month, but we will be looking forward to collaborating with the community.

“There is going to be a haunted house here, coming in September, October, so people still will have an option to come to Casa Ortiz.”

Martinez said he isn’t letting the upheaval bother him.

“I’m fine with change,” he said. “Change is good. I feel like this year was one of those things where everyone has just been seeing things get inflated, so right now I’m actually looking forward to changes that are coming. I think with the outside looking nicer and adding some new additions, it will be more of a way for El Pasoans to come out more, if they are going to drive out with the gas prices, to kind of come out and have more to come and do.

“So, I’m looking forward to everything and just being hopeful and thankful for everything.”